Government consulting group implements Lightstream cloud solution with minimal disruption and achieves massive cost savings

Government consulting group implements Lightstream cloud solution with minimal disruption and achieves massive cost savings

Prisma IP, services, and the infrastructure of cloud computing.</div><div class=&quot;cmtt_related_articles_wrapper&quot;><div class=&quot;cmtt_related_title cmtt_related_articles_title&quot;>Related Articles: </div><ul class=&quot;cmtt_related&quot;><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;TLS)</a><div> A cryptographic protocol to provide secure communication over a computer network. It replaced secure sockets later (SSL) and was incorporated into many protocols, like email and HTTPS.</div></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Government consulting group implements Lightstream cloud solution with minimal disruption and achieves massive cost savings</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Lightstream’s Zero Trust Security Model prevents breaches and ransomware attacks</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Lightstream Connect End User License Agreement (EULA)</a><div>Review our privacy policy. Your privacy is important to us. </div></li></ul></div>" href="" data-mobile-support="0" data-gt-translate-attributes='[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]' tabindex='0' role='link'>;>5 Reasons The Pentagon Implemented Zero Trust (And Why You Should Too)</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Overcoming Security Challenges at Mid-Market Organizations</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>The 5-Step Model to Implementing Zero Trust</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Secure Access Service Edge and Zero-Trust: The Ultimate Security Solution</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Results-driven cloud</a></li></ul></div>" href="" data-mobile-support="0" data-gt-translate-attributes='[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]' tabindex='0' role='link'>Cloud Security Accelerator deployed in two weeks saves time and costs while addressing crucial security and compliance needs

Business Challenge

A national consulting group, specializing in environmental consulting, provides community relations and geographic information systems (GIS) support on environmental and military munitions projects. Its primary source of business is government consulting contracts. They faced an issue many businesses can relate to: How can we transition to the cloud without serious impact to day-to-day operations and with limited internal resources?

Lack of Resources
Following the decision to migrate to the cloud, the organization was met with compliance concerns and security issues that it desperately needed to address, but lacked the internal resources to navigate.

Compliance Concerns
The group knew it wanted to transition to the cloud as it looked to the future. Its decision raised concerns and questions about compliance and security control. There was an added layer of dealing with significant government oversight. Time was of the essence to have required standards in place.

Tight Timeline with Minimal Downtime Requirement
Usually when an intricate system is implemented, businesses often need to slow or even halt day-to-day activities. It can have a major impact on revenue. The group needed a unique solution offering the strongest compliance and security strategy possible with minimal impact to daily operations and revenue.

The Lightstream Solution

Lightstream provides a crucial strategy, executing a security and compliance solution aligned to fit unique business practices and industry goals. The implementation, taking just two weeks, ensured massive cost savings and minimal interruptions to business operations.

Custom Plan
Lightstream’s signature Prisma Cloud Security Accelerator designed a custom plan for this consulting group. A team of experts studied the group’s overall business structure and mission to better identify business outcomes that allowed for the introduction of technology to further its goals. Lightstream also formulated a plan for seizing on those opportunities, focusing on the group’s existing infrastructure and practices.

Detailed Assessment
Lightstream provided a detailed assessment analyzing how the group’s environments were built. Our expertise was then used to guide our client to a cloud security and compliance solution tailored to its unique needs.

Rapid Deployment
The Prisma;>5 Reasons The Pentagon Implemented Zero Trust (And Why You Should Too)</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Overcoming Security Challenges at Mid-Market Organizations</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>The 5-Step Model to Implementing Zero Trust</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;TLS)</a><div> A cryptographic protocol to provide secure communication over a computer network. It replaced secure sockets later (SSL) and was incorporated into many protocols, like email and HTTPS.</div></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Government consulting group implements Lightstream cloud solution with minimal disruption and achieves massive cost savings</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Lightstream’s Zero Trust Security Model prevents breaches and ransomware attacks</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Lightstream Connect End User License Agreement (EULA)</a><div>Review our privacy policy. Your privacy is important to us. </div></li></ul></div>" href="" data-mobile-support="0" data-gt-translate-attributes='[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]' tabindex='0' role='link'>;>Secure Access Service Edge and Zero-Trust: The Ultimate Security Solution</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Results-driven cloud</a></li></ul></div>" href="" data-mobile-support="0" data-gt-translate-attributes='[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]' tabindex='0' role='link'>Cloud Security Accelerator lived up to its name, providing a best-in-class solution in two weeks with minimal interruptions to business operations. Typically, for a majority of solutions providers, this process would take one to two months to configure.

Our reliable model delivered a best-in-class solution, in just two weeks. As a comparison, implementation for such a comprehensive and intricate system typically takes other solutions providers one to two months.

Business Outcomes">

Reliable Plan
Lightstream’s Prisma Cloud Security Accelerator allowed the consulting group to achieve a reliable, workable plan targeting its cloud security and compliance needs. Lightstream studied its business model in detail, flushing out outcomes that could be further streamlined. It strategically designed the process for implementing technology solutions to utilize the group’s existing infrastructure and resources it already had in place.

Cost Savings
The consulting group was able to resume operations with minimal impact to its day-to-day operations and revenue stream. Lightstream’s reliable model allowed for massive cost savings.

Tailor-Made Solutions
Lightstream’s Prisma;>The 5-Step Model to Implementing Zero Trust</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Secure Access Service Edge and Zero-Trust: The Ultimate Security Solution</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Results-driven cloud</a></li></ul></div>" href="TLS)</a><div> A cryptographic protocol to provide secure communication over a computer network. It replaced secure sockets later (SSL) and was incorporated into many protocols, like email and HTTPS.</div></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Government consulting group implements Lightstream cloud solution with minimal disruption and achieves massive cost savings</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Lightstream’s Zero Trust Security Model prevents breaches and ransomware attacks</a></li><li class=&quot;cmtt_related_item&quot;><a href=&quot;;>Lightstream Connect End User License Agreement (EULA)</a><div>Review our privacy policy. Your privacy is important to us. </div></li></ul></div>" href="" data-mobile-support="0" data-gt-translate-attributes='[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]' tabindex='0' role='link'>" data-mobile-support="0" data-gt-translate-attributes='[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]' tabindex='0' role='link'>Cloud Security Accelerator has an emphasis on customer service and attention to detail. It resulted in tailor-made solutions aligned with the organization’s unique needs and business practices.

Contract Information

Lightstream’s reliable model delivers a best-in-class solution that typically allows for massive cost savings and minimal interruption to business operations. When you need a complex, custom cloud solution to meet unique business needs, Lightstream is a partner of choice.

For more information on how Lightstream and Prisma Cloud Accelerator can create a winning solution for your business, visit

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